The regular meeting of the La Crosse City Commission was held on January 22, 2025 at 5:15 p.m. Present were Mayor Bill Schroter, Commissioner Kim Peach, Commissioner Alan Sramek, City Manager Lyle Hammerschmidt, City Clerk Kim Jay and Doug Slattery.
Commissioner Peach motioned to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2025 meeting, Commissioner Sramek seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
February meeting dates: 5th and 19th.
Commissioner Sramek motioned to approve to pay the bills, Commissioner Peach seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
Commission discussed the building permit for M2 Contractors, they will wait to approve it after receiving notification from the Rush County Zoning Board that the property has been rezoned.
City Manager’s report: water leaks; employee off work due to injury on the job; 518 Main water line; Randy Burton’s property on main street; code enforcer; new phones were installed in the office; snow removal; cemetery
Mayor Schroter motioned to end the meeting at 5:47 p.m. Commissioner Peach seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
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City Clerk Mayor