The regular meeting of the La Crosse City Commission was held on September 18, 2024 at 5:15 p.m. Present were Mayor Kim Peach, Commissioner Bill Schroter, Commissioner Derek Crouch, City Manager Lyle Hammerschmidt, and City Clerk Kim Jay.
Commissioner Crouch motioned to approve the minutes from the September 4, 2024 meeting, Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
October meeting dates: 2nd and 16th.
Mayor Peach motioned to approve to pay the bills, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
City Manager reported on the following: capacity testing, engine 2; street/curb issue; sheriff’s department; water plant; sick leave policy; tire dumping sign and barricades were stolen; storm siren.
Mayor Peach discussed street issues.
Commissioner Crouch asked about the vandalism on the transformer; vehicles parked in yards; Make a Difference Day.
Mayor Peach motioned to end the meeting at 5:38 p.m. Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
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City Clerk Mayor