The regular meeting of the La Crosse City Commission was held on December 18, 2024 at 5:15 p.m. Present were Mayor Kim Peach, Commissioner Bill Schroter, Commissioner Derek Crouch, City Manager Lyle Hammerschmidt, City Clerk Kim Jay, and Alan Sramek.
Commissioner Bill Schroter motioned to approve the minutes from the December 4, 2024 meeting, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
Mayor Peach motioned to approve the following Cereal Malt Beverage licenses for 2025: Casey’s Retail Co., Schaffer EZ Mart, and B’s Hometown Market. Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
Mayor Peach motioned to go into executive session for five minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with the City Manager at 5:17 p.m. Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0. Executive session ended at 5:22 p.m. Mayor Peach motioned to go back into executive session at 5:24 p.m. for ten minutes. Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0. Executive session ended at 5:30 p.m.
City Manager reported on the following: water map; budget transfers – Mayor Peach motioned to approve the budget transfers for 2024, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0. Water transfers, water rates; Midwest Energy meeting, capacity testing, engines, substation; Alan left the meeting at 6:03 p.m. Received donation for the cemetery, fence for the east side of the cemetery; raises – Mayor Peach motioned to give a 4% raise for 2025, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0. Discussed finding a new code enforcer.
Mayor Peach motioned to end the meeting at 6:37 p.m. Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.
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City Clerk Mayor