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The regular meeting of the La Crosse City Commission was held on July 10, 2024 at 5:15 p.m. Present were Mayor Kim Peach, Commissioner Bill Schroter, Commissioner Derek Crouch, City Manager Lyle Hammerschmidt, City Clerk Kim Jay, Christuffer McIntyre, Randy Burton, and Jami Benyshek with Adams Brown.

Commissioner Schroter motioned to approve the minutes from the June 19, 2024 meeting, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.

Randy Burton gave an update on his property, the commission asked him to come to the August 7th meeting. Randy left the meeting at 5:18 p.m.

Christuffer McIntyre met with the commission to discuss his property, the commission gave him until August 7th to make his property safe. Christuffer left the meeting at 5:20 p.m.

Jami Benyshek with Adams Brown presented the commission with the 2023 Audit. Mayor Peach motioned to accept the 2023 Audit, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0. Jami also presented the preliminary 2025 Budget. Jami left the meeting at 5:40 p.m.

Commissioner Crouch motioned to approve to pay the bills, Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.

Commissioner Schroter motioned to approve to pay Altec Capital Services, LLC $74,900.00 for 2016 Freightliner from Equipment Reserve Fund, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 2-0. Mayor Peach abstained from the vote.

Mayor Peach motioned to approve to pay APAC $35,133.04 from Capital Improvement Res/Street for asphalt, Commissioner Crouch seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.

Commissioner Schroter motion to approve to pay Sunbelt Solomon $32,019.44 for transformers from Electric Depreciation Reserve, Mayor Peach seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.

Commissioner Crouch motioned to approve the following building permits: Jana Herdman-shed; Ross Hammerschmidt-shed, Mayor Peach seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.

City Manager’s report: Cecelia Knowles was hired for the City Treasurer position; mower; water plant; park.

Commissioner Crouch discussed bindweed in yards.

Mayor Peach motioned to go into executive session at 5:57 p.m. for ten minutes with the city manager to discuss non-elected personnel, Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0. Executive session ended at 6:07 p.m.

Mayor Peach discussed – EUB; tennis courts/pickle; fireworks ordinance.

Mayor Peach motioned to end the meeting at 6:26 p.m. Commissioner Schroter seconded the motion. Motion carried – vote 3-0.


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City Clerk                                                         Mayor


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